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Changes in the terms of servicing bank payment cards in ZAO Zepter Bank
Dear customers of Zepter Bank CJSC!Please be informed that as of 01.05.2024, changes will be introduced in the List of Fees for transactions conducted by Zepter Bank CJSC (bank payment cards) in terms of establishing a fee of 0.2% of the average daily balance in the reporting period for servicing the account in US dollars/euros if the average daily account balance exceeds 100,000 Belarusian rubles in equivalent*. This fee is introduced for non-resident customers of the Republic of Belarus.
*To determine the total average daily balance, the arithmetic average of daily balances in the equivalent of Belarusian rubles at the end of the calendar day on the customer's accounts (based on the Bank's accounting records) in US dollars/euros for the month is used, based on the actual number of calendar days in the month. Payment is charged monthly, on the last working day of the current month. The tariff is applied to the amount exceeding BYR 100,000 in equivalent"
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